Wednesday, April 30, 2014

How To Fix SSL Connection Error ?

SSL which stands for Secure Sockets Layer is a technical certificate that needs to be procured by e-merchants. This tool is not a necessity but a must when one is concerned about internet security. The boom of e-commerce and online trading has accelerated extensively which has lead to the sharing of confidential information such as credit card details and social security numbers. SSL is a security “paddle lock” between the user’s browser and the web server which maintains confidentiality of data and avoids online frauds and fishing. SSL security configuration is a must for any merchant site to hold an authentication and allow a stress-free shopping environment. SSL in short becomes the most vital computer security provider when it comes to perform online transactions. An SSL certificate hence becomes highly essential in online sales.

Gaining up an SSL certification and installing it should be done meticulously. Precisely, here it matters which server one is using. The most common server that is used is Apache. There is also a difference between a regular SSL certification and an extended one. The server should have an established secure connection before one could initiate the installation process. The website for which the SSL connection needs to be established should have a unique dedicated IP address. A shared hosting plan will not work out in such case. A CSR or Certificate signing request should be created in order to gain SSL connection. Valid details such as organization name, contact address, authorized person details, domain name are required to be filled up for a CSR. The CSR normally is sent to a trusted Certificate Authority (CA) such as VeriSign for verification purpose. Along with CSR, one receives SSL certificate which needs to be downloaded on the sites server.

At times a user may encounter an SSL connection error while trading online.  This error can occur irrespective of the browser the user is using. To fix up SSL errors, one may resort to online technical help who can assist in getting it resolved. Vernisoft is a leading platform which is known for its technical support which works 24x7. The certified technicians at Vernisoft troubleshoot the problems through remote online access which helps in quick fixes.

A support arm which is must to have a safe, uninterrupted and flawless working environment, Vernisoft proves to be a promising solution for all technical snags one may encounter.

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